segunda-feira, 22 de abril de 2013

How To Draw Face- Eyes

How To Draw Face


Step 1 - First set the outline with a pencil 3B. Make Iris with pencil at graduation as the tone of the eye. One of the things that is important for the eye to be very realistic is that you pass the stump hitting tones in ires (this process is very delicate). Usually there will be bright highlights in the eyes and shade around them and you can never ignore it. If you want you can make the highlights bigger they are, will look cool. And you better make larger, and need to decrease than to increase small and if you need, you will not get. I always darker tone around these highlights of light to improve contrast. This makes the eyes appear more shine.

Then darken under the upper eyelid. This indicates a shadow eyelid. I also dark center of the eye.

Important: The "white" of the eyes are not really white. You should slightly darken with dirt that already exists at the tip of your stump. The white of the eye should be darker than the highlights of light in the drawing. There will be a shadow of the upper eyelid as well. Pay attention to the tone of the reference photo. The answers are there, you just need to see them and assimilate.

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